I looked up some (more) examples of cartoons from\about the Netherlands.
First - Gregorius Nekschot (the guy that got arrested): The Forbidden Cartoons.

hanging 'round...
don't go to school...
no homework...
provoke the police...
collect welfare...

Nowhere does the Koran say you have to do something in return for 30 years of receiving child support, rent support and welfare...

Fokke en Sukke are my favourite comnmentors on the world.

'Liberal, conservative, it really doesn't matter.'
'As long as they still do our plinths for eleven euro's an hour.'

'Just a case of installing Windows Vista.'

Fokke and Sukke have had enough.
'Just one day of being free from the freedom of expression!'
'Damn, that must be possible!'

The red line is the border of decency. the gates are named discrimination, suggesting hate and violence and blasphemy. The agent has the name of the justice-minister on his jacket.
Bye all!
fokke&sukke, what kinda names are these :)??? there is another political meaning on their names:)
There ... is? :O
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