Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Topics for the presentation

Our Global Journalism program is going extremely well. With the visit to Sveriges Radio yesterday, and the obvious influence it had on us, today we were very motivated and charged with positive energy to work on our assignments.

Today, the topics for our upcoming presentation on Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Norway, which we attended on Sep. 11-14th, were chosen.

Here they are:

  • Oksana will tell us all about TV investigative journalism;
  • Maria is going to report on infamous story of persecution of Isioma Daniel, the Nigerian journalist;
  • Nadine and Ellen will cover the following themes: the ABC of investigative journalism and online investigative tools;
  • Lika is going to make her presentation on nuclear threat and the difficulties that journalists have to overcome in order to make an investigation on the issue;
  • Rem will report on Top 10 best sites in investigative journalism;
  • Christine will cover the topic of data and sources, the protection and the availability;
  • Liu's report, entitled "The Media in China: Why It's Not Free?" is going to tell us about the media situation in the region;
  • Sunny will share with us her thoughts on the power, that Chinese bloggers have;
  • and Ronnie's topic will be "The Dangerous Life of a Journalist".
We are looking forward to hear it!

P.S. Here is the address for our Mailing Group in Yahoo!:

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